Welcome to Heritage Home.ca.

Heritage Home.ca is a site for heritage home owners, contractors, real estate agents and everyone else who has an interest in historic homes. The site is still under construction, so please bear with us.

One section you may want to check out (as it is semi-operational right now) is the Resources section. You’ll find roughly 600 links to tips on getting tax breaks for your historic home, heritage departments at the various levels of government, historical societies, research tools, articles and day-trip and vacation destinations for the history buffs among us. The links are organized by province and then split up into six categories to help you quickly find what you’re looking for.

In the very near future Heritage Home.ca will feature original news focused on heritage and heritage home issues and photo galleries.

We’ll also compile a directory of contractors, shops and other service providers who understand heritage homes (no more Home Depot employees telling you you need vinyl windows).

Please check back regularly–new stories will be posted regularly. Or, if you prefer, you can subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll send you an email when things are up and running.

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If you have any comments or queries, please toss me an email or give us a call at 905-370-0101.

Take care,

-joe rayment.
Heritage Home